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Configuring an ESB Resolver for OracleDbBinding

Yes, it’s been a while.  A long while…


I was recently required to import a simple XML file into a set of records in an Oracle table.  This sort of integration is pretty simple using BizTalk Orchestrations, but we’re trying to move to an ESB-centric model.

I struggled finding an easy-to-follow guide, so am going to document my findings to help myself, and hopefully others, next time I need to complete a similar task.

The major sticking point was in the creation of the ESB Resolver string for the Routing Messaging Extender (Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Services.Routing).

Note: These settings are just a valid for use in an  Orchestration Extender as well as the Messaging one.

OracleResolver settings

The settings for your Routing Resolver are pretty simple to work out, but you need to remember to include the Action from your generated WCF binding file.

The trickier part was the value of the Endpoint Configuration setting:


As highlighted in the above image, ensure the Binding Type is “oracleDBBinding” (case-sensitive), and set your username and passwords as appropriate.  The password will be stored in clear-text in the Itinerary, but hopefully you’re using an x.509 certificate to encrypt the contents.

Next up is the BindingConfiguration setting within the Endpoint Configuration setting.  This should be considered akin to a mini Xml Document that gets passed to the Adapter at runtime, with a couple of simple, but important, settings:


As can be seen, these settings can be derived from the settings used in the Static WCF-Custom configuration dialog for a binding of the same type.  The important thing is the use of < and /> as start and end delimiters.

Save your settings, complete your Itinerary, and you should be interacting with your Oracle database without any need for Orchestrations or inflexible Static Send Ports.


April 1, 2015 Posted by | BizTalk, ESB | , , | Leave a comment